Köp separat, furufaner dörrblad (Liune D6)
0,00 €
0,00 €
The door is made of solid MDF material, a medium-density fiberboard with unique physical properties. Only wood from resource-saving thinning harvests is used in its production. The high-quality, even-density solid wood panel is suitable for dry conditions. Only wood from resource-saving thinning harvests is used. The door panel thickness is 27 mm.
The door comes with pre-attached hanging brackets, a Liune latch, and a recessed handle. Frame elements compatible with separately sold door panels can be purchased separately here.
Door Width
VUORI doors are available in standard widths of 410–1210 mm, with the option to order wider doors upon request.
Door Height
VUORI doors have a standard height of 2100–2600 mm. Taller door heights are available upon request.
Sound Insulation
LIUNE VUORI door Rw 23 dB. Tested by Sitowise Oy.
Door Surface
Wood veneer with a clear lacquer finish. On special request, the veneer can also be applied horizontally, and the tone can be adjusted to match the project’s interior design trends.
The standard Liune handle is included with the door delivery, and other handles can be selected according to the project’s requirements. The door is delivered ready for installation, with a recessed handle pre-attached, and the protruding handle is attached on-site.
Locks and Lock Case
A lock can be selected as an additional accessory. The available lock options are listed in the dropdown menu.
Liune doors have no threshold, allowing for barrier-free access.
Rollers and Sealing
Rollers that allow the door to slide on a track and a white soft-seal strip to soften the closing sound against the frame can also be ordered with the door here.
The doors have a uniform appearance, so handedness is freely selectable according to the project’s requirements.
The hanging brackets are already attached to the door. The door locks completely within the wall using a recessed handle, which is pre-installed. The external handle takes up approximately 100 mm of the clear passage width. The door is also equipped with a pre-installed Liune lock and pop-out latch, which functions with the Liune element as a door closing damper and safety mechanism.
We provide a two-year product warranty.
Vi vill att designen av byggnadsdelarna ska vara så smidig som möjligt. Desigarbetet underlättas av byggnadsdelarnas CAD-bilder (DWG), PDF-måttritningar, produktdeklarationer, produktkort och Liune GDL-objekt. GDL-objektbiblioteket är ett mångsidigt verktyg som är enkel att använda och som fungerar i ArchiCAD-miljö.
Användning av produktinformationen förutsätter ett Acrobat Reader -program. Att öppna och behandla DWG-ritningar förutsätter ett separat CAD-program. Om du använder ett ArchiCAD -program, kan du ladda ner Liune GDL -objektet.
Vi önskar dig trevliga designstunder med Liune -objekten!
Här under kan du hitta DWG-filer för CAD-program, PDF-filer för läsprogram, GDL-objekt för ArchiCAD versioner, RFA-filer för Autodesk Revit programmet och VXZ-filer för Vertex. Filerna innehåller alla nödvändiga måttuppgifter.
LIUNE CAD -drawing library DWG
För Autodesk AutoCAD program finns dwg som dynamiska block. Filen innehåller alla Liunes elementalternativ, inklusive Liunes renoveringselement.
Liune dynamic block library 2022.dwg (13.5MB)
User's guide Liune AutoCAD dynamic blocks.pdf
LIUNE DOOR PDF -bibliotek med måttritningar
LIUNE DOOR höga dörr element 66mm och 95mm
LIUNE DOOR bastu stomme 95mm 120mm 565 KB
LIUNE DOOR enkeldörr och pardörr stomme 120mm 592 KB
LIUNE DOOR enkeldörr och pardörr stomme 66mm 1 MB
LIUNE DOOR enkeldörr och pardörr stomme 95mm 2 MB
Liune renoveringselement 3 MB
Liune renoveringselement utan motkarm 3 MB
Liunes ArchiCAD-objekt 1/2023
User guide for GDL Liune library.pdf
LIUNE VXZ -filer (Vertex)
Filerna och deras innehåll är angivna med största möjliga noggrannhet. Aulis Lundell Oy tar inte ansvar för eventuella fel i filerna, deras funktioner eller de angivna måtten. Informationens riktighet bör alltid kontrolleras.
LIUNE Revit RFA -filer, Autodesk Revit ver. 2016
Liune D1 massive door 2 MBLiune D2 laminate door 2 MB
Liune D3 smooth white door 2 MB
Liune D4 white milled mirror door 2 MB
Liune D5 moisture resistant door 2 MB
Liune D6 oak veneer door 2 MB
Liune D7 light opening door 2 MB
Liune D8 panel door 2 MB
Liune D9 glass door opal clear dark grey 2 MB
Liune D10 mirror door 2 MB
Liune D11 sauna glass sauna wood door 2 MB
Liune D13 veneer door 2 MB
Liune D14 print glass 2 MB
Liune D15 classic sliding door by liune 916 KB
Liune D16 design door 2 MB
Instruktionför BIM objekt Autodesk RFA filer
Dörrarnas ytstrukturer för Revit
Förhandsvisning av ytorna:
Ladda ner ytstrukturen för dörrarna i länken nedan och spara dem. Du behöver bilderna i Revit-programmet som vit dörryta i båda Revit-versionerna.
Liune door textures 2,59 MB
RFA 2012 filer (Autodesk Revit ver. 2012-2015)
Liune D1 massive door 2 MB
Liune D2 laminate door 2 MB
Liune D3 smooth white door 2 MB
Liune D4 white milled mirror door 3 MB
Liune D5 moisture resistant door 2 MB
Liune D6 oak veneer door 2 MB
Liune D7 light opening door 2 MB
Liune D8 panel door 2 MB
Liune D9 glass door opal clear dark grey 2 MB
Liune D10 mirror door 2 MB
Liune D11 sauna glass sauna wood door 2 MB
Liune D13 veneer door 2 MB
Liune D14 print glass 2 MB
Liune D15 classic sliding door by liune 824 KB
Liune D16 design door 2 MB
10 års garanti för elementet
TJOCKLEK | 27mm |